Rhodopsin to others in their hour of need!

Manisha Vijayakumar Bachpai
4 min readAug 14, 2022

A few weeks back, we as a bunch of friends decided to go on a short trip the following weekend. Nothing more like an arduous journey, but a good time with each other and maybe to rejuvenate for the upcoming weeks. Having everything planned at the last moment, we hit the roads by late Friday evening directly from the workplace and reached the destination around 9 PM.

Source: https://blog.mighty-well.com/2020/11/5-ways-to-give-support-to-someone-you-love/

Our stay was arranged in a resort for a couple of days and after reaching the place, my friends went ahead to freshen up and come together for dinner. By the time they freshened up and gathered downstairs to move out, I was engaged in a very pivotal telephonic conversation.

While they were ready, I wasn’t and had to hurry up to refresh and join them. As I was heading upstairs, I found all the lights flicked off. It would have been easier to navigate and walk ahead with lights on, but everything was so dark that I slowly moved ahead groping around. Eventually, I bumped into a few things (sofa, table etc) one after another, until I figured out the switch to power up the lights.

Now imagining, if the place was more like a storeroom, anyone would stumble on things around due to poor vigilance and even get hurt. Usually, with low lights, it takes time for our eyes to adapt to the surroundings and situation.

Now, if the same was the situation at our home, we would be in a better situation to reach the lights a bit quickly, knowing the layout of the house as our eyes will certainly adapt to navigate even in the dark. The rhodopsin effect that’s naturally implanted in our eyes, is also one of the reasons for them to adapt to the night vision of a familiar place.

On the other side, another good way of dealing with new dark places would be to have proper guidance from someone, who knows the layout of the place. If a person who is already injured, and struggling to navigate through the dark gets proper support and genuine guidance, that will indeed make a huge difference in navigating through.

In our day-to-day life too, during the bright times, we will have crystal clear clarity on things happening around us. The situation looks unclouded and we tend to respond with a lot of confidence. A great level of hope prevails with a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and joy.

Nevertheless, during the dark and not-so-bright days, one may lose confidence in self-dealing the trouble days. Decision-making becomes hard in itself. A person who has been making the best decisions in the bright days of life, wobbles in assessing the situation and making the right call to get an ideal outcome. They become so confused and hopeless to even do the simplest thing, and tend to get a second opinion even in the most straightforward decisions.

The ability to view things from all realistic perspectives fades away. It feels as though life itself has shattered brutally and nothing will really fall right in place. At this point in time, a simple thing that can help us travel through the dark times is a good amount of genuine guidance and support.

A person who is undergoing trouble might not be able to think from all perspectives. Pertaining to the mental troubles, difficulty in decision making, lack of confidence and hope, juggling between emotions with a lot of confusion, fear and stress indeed reflect externally in a person’s appearance as well.

Perhaps, an individual cannot have a peaceful sleep and consume food normally. Their appearance itself would be sufficient enough to convey that something severe is troubling them.

However, when a well-wisher throws all the possible perspectives, it will turn a bit easy for the person to navigate through those times. Such a selfless act of providing the right guidance and being supportive itself gives the person confidence and they will assuredly come out victorious from the not-so-bright but dark days of life, and of course in any dark room as such.

Having said that, preferably choose to be the rhodopsin to the person in trouble than showing the cold shoulder. Instigate the change with a selfless act. A small gesture of being supportive and providing good guidance can certainly make this world a better place to live for everyone.

Action speaks louder than words!



Manisha Vijayakumar Bachpai

Coimbatorian 😍 Straightforward | Health-conscious | Affable | Stoic | Lively | Budding Photographer Perception: Shukar kar bandhaya tenu zindagi hai mili 😇